The Alleghany Foundation Announces Changes to its Grant Application Cycle

The Alleghany Foundation is announcing changes to its grant application cycles.  In the past, applicants were encouraged to submit proposals by the March 1 and September 1 deadlines.  Starting January 1, 2016, The Alleghany Foundation will do away with the semi-annual application deadlines and will instead accept applications year-round.

“Over the years,” commented Dr. Michele Ballou, President, The Alleghany Foundation Board of Directors, “applicants have commented that the timing of being able to approach the foundation at either of the two deadlines did not always work well with how projects were developing or how matching funds for applications to other organizations were needed.  The Board has made this change to be able to provide additional flexibility to organizations in the Alleghany Highlands and with the goal of more effectively supporting the strong work and leadership of our grantee community.”

Under the new system, interested applicants can access the Foundation’s electronic application process through the website at  This application will be available starting January 1, 2016.

“One of the reasons that this change is possible is that applicants so quickly adapted to the on-line application process that was introduced in 2014,” commented Mary Fant Donnan, Executive Director, The Alleghany Foundation.  “This on-line system reduces some of the administrative tasks and streamlines the review process some,” she added.

With the change in application deadlines, it is expected that it will be about three months from the time an application is submitted to the time by which applicants are notified about the decision on an application.  “Whereas the time to review an application will not change much,” commented Donnan, “part of what we will be learning over the coming year is how to adapt internally to these changes while still being able to be responsive to applicants and complete the necessary due diligence.”

Though the timelines are changing, the application itself is not changing at this time.  The areas of focus for The Alleghany Foundation remain the same and include Economic Transformation, Educational Attainment, Health and Wellness, Community Capacity, and Leadership and Civic Vitality.

“While the foundation makes changes from time to time to better use technology and strengthen grantmaking processes,” commented Ballou, “the board continues to seek applications in the areas of focus, because work in all of these is necessary for community well-being and to reverse the economic trends over recent decades.”

About the Foundation:  The Alleghany Foundation was established in 1995 in Covington with $35 million in proceeds from the sale of Alleghany Regional Hospital.  The foundation’s vision is to be a resource for a partner with eligible organizations to make the Alleghany Highlands a civically engaged, prosperous region that builds upon its assets to produce opportunities for all its residents.  The total annual awards from The Alleghany Foundation now add up to more than $54 million. For more information about the foundation, please visit