Post-Secondary Strategies

Post-Secondary Strategies: (Language from 2009 Strategic Plan)

Outcome: To provide our adult population with access to an affordable, flexible, and highly effective post-secondary system so that our workers are prepared to meet the needs of the 21st-century workplace and a rapidly changing economy.


  • Set goals for post-secondary educational attainment for all segments of the regional population.  Pay attention to closing equity gaps (gender, income, and race).
  • Collaborate with Mountain Gateway Community College to create world-class programs that prepare local residents for living wage work and entrepreneurial careers.
  • Implement a “Relationship management” program with local employers to develop training and service that raise worker productivity.
  • Incubate new approaches to credentialing and career pathways that create local opportunities for motivated residents to remain in the region.

Indicators: Evidence of achieving this outcome would be as follows:

  • Higher enrollments at our post-secondary institution;
  • Increased number of graduates successfully entering the workforce;
  • Increased number of highly skilled workforce (certification, degreed, and licensures programs); and,
  • Improved economic climate of our area.